A Pause
I travel to seek solace, to nurture my imagination and to explore stillness—everything that is overwhelmed by noise and fast-paced living.
In the quietude of old cemeteries, in gardens and among disintegrating monuments I am able to find what I am searching for. The architecture, the design, the landscaping and the ageing quality of these spaces can have a remarkably quick effect of calmness, of stillness. In this world of magical realism, I am able to find that inspiration that reproduces stillness in interior design.
Spaces that are quiet, spaces that are nostalgic, spaces that are melancholic and yet with a beauty that only comes with thought and age—this is the stillness that I cherish.
As we enter the latter half of the year, let us allow stillness to translate into our living spaces. Let us embrace the stillness of life, as much as we gather the bustle of existence. These pictures are from City Palace, Udaipur where I was for work.