Indian Winter Palettes
It’s a cold, misty, grey day– the kind that’s perfect for bed. But, there’s work to be done and calls to be taken, bills to be paid and mails to be written. So, harkening back to days more relaxed, here’s a short compilation of cold days, cool days, blue and grey and almost-there- green-toned days.
These are pictures of landscapes that inspired in the moment and then later, the midst of the mundane. They’re a palettes from a lake sighted atop a hunting lodge in Udaipur, from an icy cold morning in a Himalayan village and from a drive upto Sohra. Every palette is muted by the soft light of early days and late evenings. Each palette tempered with the memory of spiced chai, crisp air, conversation, familial comfort, friendship, exploration and days wholly lived.
They’re palettes that’ve moved us into to recreating their cool ease, tranquility, and subtle elegance in bedrooms, cubicles, bathrooms, living rooms and even the odd kitchen. They’re palettes that remind us that in the pause and the appreciation for the beauty around us lies a life more satisfying.